Monday, February 23, 2009

Hong Kong - "world city" status?

The police in Hong Kong can and do stop and search anyone they think is acting suspiciously on the streets (if they don't find anything, they can conveniently plant it during the search). It goes without saying, that our darker skinned brethan are suspicous looking - yes, Obama walking through Central will be stopped, ID'ed and have his pockets, bags and armpits thoroughly searched by some undertrained undereducated police assistant.

"any individual who act in a suspicious manner are obliged to produce proof of his identity for inspection by police officers in any street or other public place, or on board any vessel, or in any conveyance, at any hour of the day or night. The officer is the sole determinant of whether an individual is behaving in a "suspicious manner".[citation needed]

A police officer only has to articulate an extremely low level of burden of proof that the behaviour of person being stopped was "reasonably suspicious". Also to note is that:

the only things police are authorised to do by s54 PFO is to seek production of proof of identity, detain for a reasonable period while police records enquiries are being made, and search only as appropriate. Quite limited search powers only may be exercised under S54 PFO.

— "Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong"[1]

However, PFO is only an internal guideline within the force, not a formal legislation. Residents are required to carry a Hong Kong Identity Card and visitors need to carry their passports at all times in the territory. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.[citation needed]"

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